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Fitness 4 Finals

About our website

Explanations of exercise and nutrition on the body. Does exercise affect just your body or is there a mental effect as well? Is nutrition a factor that can effect your well-being.


Connections to Fitness for Finals. A way to relax, de-stress, and get fit while you are studying for your last exams this spring 2018.


Health is About Way More Than How Much You Weigh

An avocado has more than twice as much potassium as a banana

The Mainstream Media Should Never be Trusted For Nutrition Information

Foods with less than five calories meet the definition of “calorie free”


Exercise improves brain performance

More muscle mass = burning more fat while resting

No matter how slow you go you are still betting all the couch potatos out there.

Thinking about going to the gym burns between 0 and 0 calories

Services at Fitness4Finals

Fitness4Finals is just around the corner!! With that news heres what you need to know. There is a research project going on and we need your help by filling out a quick survey. We also have a variety of classes that you can take during study week to get swole, burn some carbs and destress. Tips and tools for finals week is also in the loop. Lastly, who doesn't like to win stuff; so go take the survey and enter a raffle to win a fitness Tracker!!!


Marissa Roe (

Tristan Torred (

Trey Curtis-Brown (

Ciena Alagao (

Rodrigo Santos (


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